Laptop:DEMO/12345678/F97044J (12345)
Brand/model:Dell Inc. Studio 1537
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 22H2
A newer version of the scan program is available. Please get it here or install the ScanCircle app (which is updated automatically), if available for your operating system.

No critical or recommended issues have been found.

If you do experience problems or would like to know whether new versions are available please check the blue items in the checklist.

Critical itemsFollow the advices listed to improve the security and/or stability of your computer unless you have a very good reason not to do so.
Recommended itemsWe strongly suggest following the advices listed to improve the performance, security and/or stability of your computer.
Optional itemsYou may follow the advices listed to bring your computer up to date but this is often not necessary if your computer is working okay.
Informative itemsThe advices listed may help you to solve hardware and/or software problems and identify deviations from standard installations.
Ignored itemsAt your request the advices listed are being ignored. Undo all
OkayNo need to take action.